RT 380 Optimization Of Control Loops Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Process Control Trainer
Tuning the controller to the controlled system; software simulation of the most common controlled systems Features - closed-loop control system response - choice of optimum controller parameters - tuning rules such as Ziegler-Nichols - stability and transient response - software simulation of controlled systems Learning objectives/experiments - learning basic terminology and methods involved in process control -- control loop comprising controller and controlled system -- difference between open and closed loop control - adapting the controller to different controlled systems -- determining the controlled system parameters -- choosing optimum controller parameters -- using commonly applied tuning rules -- investigating control and disturbance response -- investigating the stability of the closed control loop Specification [1] experimental unit for controller tuning [2] digital controller, configurable as a P, PI or PID controller with interface [3] interface for PC [4] simulation software for different controlled system types, such as first and second order lags, time-delayed systems etc. [5] recording and evaluation of time response on PC [6] configuration software for process controller [7] software via USB under Windows 10 Technical data Controller - configurable as P, PI or PID controller - proportional gain Xp: 0...999,9% - integral action time Tn: 0...3600s - derivative time Tv: 0...1200s Process variables as analogue signals: 0...10V Controlled system simulation models with proportional, integral, first-order lag, second-order lag Time-delayed response, non-linearity and limitation possible 230V, 50Hz, 1 phase 230V, 60Hz, 1 phase 120V, 60Hz, 1 phase UL/CSA optional LxWxH: 370x330x150mm Weight: approx. 5kg