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Optimization Of Control Loops Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Process Control Trainer

Item No.: RT 380
Optimization Of Control Loops Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Process Control Trainer
RT 380 Optimization Of Control Loops Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Process Control Trainer

Tuning the controller to the controlled system; software simulation of the most common controlled systems
- closed-loop control system response
- choice of optimum controller parameters
- tuning rules such as Ziegler-Nichols
- stability and transient response
- software simulation of controlled systems
Learning objectives/experiments
- learning basic terminology and methods involved in process control
-- control loop comprising controller and controlled system
-- difference between open and closed loop control
- adapting the controller to different controlled systems
-- determining the controlled system parameters
-- choosing optimum controller parameters
-- using commonly applied tuning rules
-- investigating control and disturbance response
-- investigating the stability of the closed control loop
[1] experimental unit for controller tuning
[2] digital controller, configurable as a P, PI or PID controller with interface
[3] interface for PC
[4] simulation software for different controlled system types, such as first and second order lags, time-delayed systems etc.
[5] recording and evaluation of time response on PC
[6] configuration software for process controller
[7] software via USB under Windows 10

Technical data
- configurable as P, PI or PID controller
- proportional gain Xp: 0...999,9%
- integral action time Tn: 0...3600s
- derivative time Tv: 0...1200s
Process variables as analogue signals: 0...10V
Controlled system simulation models with proportional, integral, first-order lag, second-order lag
Time-delayed response, non-linearity and limitation possible
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
230V, 60Hz, 1 phase
120V, 60Hz, 1 phase
UL/CSA optional
LxWxH: 370x330x150mm
Weight: approx. 5kg